
319     发布人:yzx    凯发K8娱乐全球公开  山东留学中介    发布时间:2016-06-11

中国高考作文题目大家都看得差不多了吧,来看看外国人的高考题——2014年的A level作文题目吧(新加坡,英国等地的高中生都是用这套题)!

2014 H1 General Paper "A" Level Questions 2014新增坡中考(A-Level)优秀作文题 (十三选一)

1. “Traditional marriage is an outdated concept.”To what extent is this true of your society? 1.“过去夫妻感情是个更新换代的性质”,你多大型号层度认证这样角度

2. How far should firms be allowed to limit their workers' rights when profits are at stake? 2. 在经济效益不佳时,厂家要多大型号的情况束缚人的自由权

3. “Gambling on sport undermines its spirit and should be banned.”How realistic is this position? 3. 球场足球运动赌球毁掉了球场奉献精神理应遭禁止,你表示现实中度有哪些

4. Discuss the view that, with an increasing global need for energy, every possible source should be exploited to the full. 4. 讨论会下列思想观点:近年来人類对再生自然资源的标准一直加大,一切可运用自然资源都应设计到极至

5. “For the majority of people, the Arts are irrelevant to their daily lives.” How true is this of your society? 5.“在多半数人来说,特色文化和文化艺术与孩子 的的生活的生活的关系并不大”,你赞同吗?

6. How far is it important for people to be aware of current events in countries other than their own? 6. 凯发K8娱乐全球公开人目光他国新闻视频情况真相而不目光该国情况真相,这样的作法有极凯发K8娱乐全球公开何意义

7. In times of economic hardship, should a country still be expected to provide financial or material aid to others? 7. 在成本窘境下,一款国内还大概向一些国内可以提供成本和类物质支援吗?

8. Do films offer anything more than an escape from reality? 8. 电影电影一方面可以提供给人类脱离可能的次数,对吗?

9. To what extent can the regulation of scientific or technological developments be justified? 9. 在是什么症状下,对科技信息壮大的管控言之有理有章可循?

10. “Getting what one wants in life is what matters.” Discuss. 10. 议论:得偿心之所向算是牛色

11. Examine the extent to which expenditure on arms and the armed forces is justifiable in the modern world. 11. 在如今发展,手段与军事动力应永久保存到谁系数应该?

12. Consider the view that some careers are better suited to one gender than the other. 12. 座谈会:有一些职业化更适于另个单双眼皮而不满于另个个。


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